Edible Cookie Dough

Edible Cookie Dough

As children, my sister and I would always rush home from school to make cookie dough and eat it straight from the bowl. As our metabolisms finally caught up to us, this ritual eventually came to an end, although the craving for cookie dough lives on. Enter the recipe of my dreams. Vegan, gluten-free edible cookie dough, and the main ingredient is chickpeas! Shocking, I know. Your can get protein and satisfy that sweet tooth all in the same spoonful. It’s practically chocolate chip hummus!

Yield 16oz Mason Jar


  • 2 Cups Cooked Chickpeas

  • 2 tbsp Maple Syrup

  • ⅓ Cup Peanut Butter

  • ⅓ Cup Chocolate Chips (or simply crush a bar of dark chocolate)

  • Salt


  1. Throw chickpeas, maple syrup, peanut butter, and a pinch of salt into your food processor and blend until smooth and creamy.

  2. Stir in your chocolate chips.

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